1. Visitors Overview (19,748 visits; 18,556 absolute unique visitors; 29,103 page views | 64% of the visits happened within the 1st week of publishing the letter) |
2. Visits by country (14,068 USA, 1,854 UK, 1,394 Canada, 340 Australia, 168 Germany) |
3. Benchmarking: I guess the page faired very well against benchmark (Visits +35,164.29%; Page Views +29,903.09%; Pages/Visit -14.66% - not a surprise for a single page site; Bounce Rate +41.62% - not a surprise: The landing page is the only page; Average Time on Site +731.70%; New Visits +74.12%) |
4. Comments on the StumbleUpon website (Liked by many with 23 comments - views 18k) - thanks to http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/hrdsteph/ |
5. Twitter statistics as provided by Topsy (http://www.topsy.com) - 139 Tweets & Re-Tweets with 26 Influential twitterers - I am very honoured Thanks to you all. |
and this (27 tweets & re-tweets and 2 influential twitterers - Many thanks) |
6. Traffic via shortened links courtesy of www.bit.ly |
others include: a=http://bit.ly/info/1O8Dlk, b=http://bit.ly/info/mU1JE, c=http://bit.ly/info/Oin4d, d=http://bit.ly/info/2CeRsx |
7. Facebook: 138 people joined the group with positive comments: https://www.facebook.com/groups/132395703208 |
8. Even got a mention on the very powerful Daily Kos: Palin; Single Payer Option? Yes : http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/8/16/767787/-Palin;-Single-Payer-Option-Yes! (Although Enkel got my gender wrong!-:)) |